'God, how long had I been like this? I didn’t even know what this was...'

Things to Share is a short, mildly-interactive Interactive-Fiction piece, inspired by Gone Home. Comprised of diary entries based around digital files that represent their memories, the story follows a new relationship protagonist Dani enters into, and the things they learn about themselves through it.  


Click on the files to "open" them and their entries. The entries will change slightly depending on the order you open them in. They will appear in a different order every time the game is loaded. Continue until you have no more files at the bottom of the page to open. 


This piece is built in ink, inkle studio's narrative scripting language, and was handed in as a Creative Writing assignment during my final year of university. 

I have since set it up to run through Calico, rather than Ink's native engine.


Please see the game's in-game menu for content warnings. 

Selecting 'DaisysSong.mp3' will trigger an .mp3 file to play. You can stop it by selecting a new file, but there is no way to lower the volume from within the game—though it is short. Headphone users beware!

On a phone or tablet, you may not be able to hear 'DaisysSong.mp3' unless you are using headphones, or have turned off silent mode/Do Not Disturb. 


All photos were taken by me. All music was written and recorded by me. Crying sound effect courtesy of http://www.freesfx.co.uk [www.freesfx.co.uk accessed 09/01/2022].


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